Feb 09, 2009 21:33
Has anyone else seen the moon tonight? It's soOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO beautiful!
[Filtered to Tohru \ Moderately hackable]
Hey, Miss Tohru, it looks like we'll have to postpone our dessert-making party. I seem to have come down with something again. Just a day or two, I promise.
[ooc: strikes are thoughts]
full moon,
that time of the month,
Nov 10, 2008 00:39
Oh, Love-of-my-Life, you don't by any chance feel like camping out in my room for a few days, do you? Or I could camp out in yours. Either way works.
It's just that things go so much better when you're around. That and I really don't feel like scrubbing blood off my walls again.
full moon,
oh cripes!,
that time of the month